On Sunday, November 17, 2019, 15 showmen from different states and breed associations were selected to represent their respective breeds in Annual NAILE Junior Supreme Champion Heifer Drive. The prestige of this event gathered many into Freedom Hall as they anxiously waited for the champion to be selected.
Exhibitors, breeders, fitters, family and friends made their way down the ramp and into the ring.
15 heifers stood under bright lights and green shavings.
Stands were packed with fans for the Supreme Heifer Drive to show their support for the youth exhibitors.
Sara Sullivan, Iowa, was eventually named Supreme Champion Heifer at the 2019 NAILE. She had four heifers in the supreme drive including the SimAngus, Angus, Chianina and AOB heifers.
Randy Daniels, Georgia, was the official judge for the supreme heifer drive. Daniels has been attending the North American for as long as he can remember as both an exhibitor and a judge. With someone who has as much experience as Daniels, he said this is somethig you cannot prepare for. Daniels thought he could start with 15 heifers and narrow them down to three, but he found himself with 15 and only being able to narrow them down to about 11. “I’ve never seen a line up of cattle like that. It was just incredible,” said Daniels.
During Daniels speech before selecting the supreme champion heifer, he told the crowd to, “Keep the focus on the calf and the young people. Keep everything else out.”
Stepping on the green shavings and walking into the NAILE Supreme Drive is a feeling like no other. Not many will understand and only a few will get to experience it.
Champion SimAngus Heifer and the 2019 NAILE Supreme Heifer was shown by Kassidy Bremer, Iowa, for her friend Sara Sullivan.
Heartwarming moment between Sara Sullivan and Kassidy Bremer after the show.
“Excited. Grateful. Thankful,” is how Sara Sullivan described how she felt when she recieved Junior Champion Supreme Heifer with her SimAngus heifer. Sullivan said she did not expect to be awarded a title of such magnitude.
Congratulations to Sara and all exhibitors in the 2019 NAILE Supreme Heifer Drive. For more photos from the show, check out Linde’s Livestock Photos at