Published: September 17, 2019Updated: April 19, 2024
Robert Bell has joined Kentucky Venues as the Director of Expositions at the Kentucky Exposition Center. As part of his role overseeing the Office of Veterinary Livestock Field Operations and before that working at Irvington Stockyards, Bell has worked livestock events and schedules for years.
Bell graduated from Western Kentucky in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in animal science. To kick off his career in agriculture and livestock, he spent six years working at Irvington Stockyards, where he sorted and graded livestock to be bought and sold, and even purchased livestock himself.
For the next 20 years of his career, Bell worked at the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Starting as an agricultural inspector in 1999, he climbed the hierarchy to be promoted as an administrative branch manager in 2008, where he stayed in the position for 11 years.
In his administrative branch manager role, Bell spent many Kentucky State Fairs posted in the West Wing Veterinary Office. The livestock community recognizes Bell as a familiar and trustworthy face.
Growing up showing and raising livestock helped Bell decide to pursue a career in this industry that he loves. To learn a bit more about Bell’s qualifications, we asked him a few questions about his livestock and showing experience:
What was your favorite memory of showing livestock at the Kentucky State Fair?
My favorite memory of showing at the Fair was in 1991, when I won the Commissioner Showmanship Award for beef cattle!
What’s your favorite memory of showing livestock in general?
There are so many great memories for me. If I had to choose the best one, it would be in 2010 when the Angus heifer I raised with my dad won Reserve Grand Champion at the All-American Angus Futurity.