Animal Health Naile 1080x1080 1

Animal Health Information 2022

Published: October 11, 2022 Updated: April 19, 2024
Tags:  Featured

Updated October 14, 2022

How does the health check process work?

    • When you arrive to Louisville, all animals must enter the fairgrounds through Gate 1. Prior to going through Gate 1, initial health paper inspections will be conducted at the V Lot, the lot to the right of Gate 1 on Phillips Lane. There you will get a health form that you will take onto the fairgrounds. This form will be signed by state animal health officials as you are walking into the barns once they visually inspect your animals. Exhibitors will turn this form in at check-in. ANIMALS WILL NOT BE CHECKED IN UNTIL THIS FORM IS SIGNED BY AN ANIMAL HEALTH OFFICIAL.
    • Livestock exhibiting signs of any infectious, contagious, or communicable disease such as, but not limited to, warts, ringworm, pinkeye, or foot rot ARE NOT ELIGIBLE for exhibition and will be refused entry.

What Gate do animals have to enter?

    • After the Health Paper inspection, all animals must enter at Gate 1.

What time will health checks occur?

    • Health papers will be checked in the V Lot (956 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY 40209) every day from 6:00 AM to 9:30 PM. Below are the time periods that health checks will be conducted around the clock in Lot V.

10/31/2022: 6:00 AM to 11/3/2022: 9:30 PM

11/9/2022: 6:00 AM to 11/11/2022: 9:30 PM

What animal identification is required for NAILE?

    • For Beef and Dairy Cattle, the accepted forms of Official Identification are an AIN tag (840 prefix or other country code 15-digit tag) or a National Uniform Eartagging System (NUES) metal tag. Electronic Identification Device (EID) 840 Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) tags are preferred.
    • A USDA 840 EID tag will be required for all Market Steers and Prospect Steers/Heifers.
    • A USDA 840 EID tag will be required for all Swine.
    • Scrapie Tags will be required for all Sheep and Goats. Registration tattoos will be accepted for official identification ONLY for dairy goats and registered ABGA goats.
    • All animals must have a valid Health Paper with Official USDA Identification (including all transit animals).
    • All cattle shall be reported negative on a BVD-PI test. The results and date of the test shall be recorded on the CVI issued for entry into the KEC facility for NAILE. Untested cattle will not be allowed entry and will be required to be tested at the owner’s expense.

Out of State Exhibitors

    • All SWINE MUST have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (Health Certificate) issued less than 7 days prior to entering the fairgrounds. The CVI must contain a permit number obtained from Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Office of State Veterinarian. Those without a valid health certificate issued within 7 days will be required to have an onsite veterinarian examine the animal and issue the health certificate at the owner’s expense.
    • All Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle, Sheep and Goats entering Kentucky from Michigan must call for a unique permit number and additional requirements.
    • All Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle, Sheep and Goats entering Kentucky for exhibition must have USDA Official Identification and be accompanied by Certificate of Veterinary inspection issued by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days prior to entry.

Kentucky Exhibitors

    • All Kentucky Origin Swine shall be individually identified with an 840 EID tag listed on a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (Health Certificate) written within 7 days of entry. The CVI must contain a permit number obtained from Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Office of State Veterinarian.
    • All Kentucky origin cattle, sheep, and goats for exhibition shall be individually identified with USDA Official Identification on a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection written within the current calendar year, January 1 through December 31, 2021.

Health Regulations are subject to change at any time, so please check with your local veterinarian or the office listed below for current requirements.

For additional or updated information, contact the Office of the State Veterinarian at (502) 782-5901 or visit the website at:


109 Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601 Phone (502) 782-5901

Visit their website at: