Published: November 13, 2022Updated: April 19, 2024
The World’s largest purebred livestock exposition welcomes Emma Monismith of Newville, Pennsylvania as a 2022 North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) Media Intern Monismith is a Junior at Delaware Valley University, majoring in Media and Communication.. Monismith, Media courses from Delaware Valley University, give her a unique perspective on the coverage of the (NAILE).
As a former intern with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Monismith’s experience prepared her for the red carpet of livestock shows. Ringside and backdrop experience from the Keystone International Livestock Exposition and the All-American Dairy Show gave her an in-depth understanding of the complexity of major show fundamentals. Along with working in a competitive and fast-paced sports media environment, she is no stranger to action shots.
“Getting to help cover shows with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has really allowed me to gain experience in the media aspect of the agriculture industry,” said Monismith.
Monismith, like many others in the stock show industry, participated and exhibited in 4-H and FFA. However, her achievement of the FFA American Degree, which she recently accepted in Indianapolis, Indiana, separates her from her peers.
To Monismith, this internship allows her to expand her portfolio in the agriculture industry and network with others. Throughout her internship, she has found an understanding of the significance of multimedia to an extensive organization such as the NAILE. Monismith has learned how to captivate a large audience by constructing social media posts throughout the weekend.
“I applied for this internship because I wanted the chance to grow my portfolio at a national livestock show. I also wanted to build more connections with those in the industry,” said Monismith.
Her favorite part of the internship has been capturing the exhibitors' hard work on the green shavings, including coverage of the breeding sheep show, market lamb show and junior heifer show. Her work extended onto the rodeo dirt, where she captured the draft horses, known as the gentle giants of the arena.
A year from now, Monismith hopes to find herself in the agricultural communications industry, with a career focused on social media or marketing. Until her senior year, Monismith will continue working in the industry and using the skills learned throughout her time in Louisville, Kentucky.