With over 800 entries going through the ring in Freedom Hall, the dairy champions are truly the best of the best, as the Junior Supreme drive provides a more unique experience for exhibitors than other shows. This is because each of the seven breed judges come back to be on a panel to select the champions. Each judge ranks the seven breed champions in order, then turns their judging card in. Show officials will tabulate the scores and the lowest scoring animal wins.

The 2022 NAILE Junior Supreme Champion Dairy Cow went to the Jersey, exhibited by Grace Sauder of Tremont, Illinois. The 70
th All American Junior Jersey Show was the largest junior breed show this year with 274 Jerseys going through the ring. Grace has been involved in the dairy industry ever since she was a little girl and winning the show exemplifies the time and dedication she has put into her project. Currently, Grace is working on her family dairy operation while also running her own business on the side.

The 2022 NAILE Junior Supreme Champion Dairy Heifer went to the Holstein, exhibited by Kylie Nickels of Lomira, Wisconsin. Kylie has been in the dairy cattle world her whole life, showing since she was five and working on her family’s farm and other dairies. She is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying Dairy Science with a certificate in Ag-Business. After she graduates, Kylie plans to become a calf consultant or specialist, working with a nutrition company. She says winning supreme champion heifer shows that all of her hard work has paid off.