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Tips for a Beginner -- Visitor Version

Published: November 3, 2023 Updated: April 19, 2024
Tags:  Featured
The North American International Livestock Exposition is the world’s largest all-breed, purebred livestock event, with nearly 30,000 entries from around the country and over 100 livestock shows and activities. That can sound intimidating for a new visitor, but we welcome you to come and take it all in!

You might be visiting because you love the agriculture industry, you're interested in showing, or you want to see what all the excitement is about. Either way, there's lots to behold, and we have some tips to ensure your day is worth it!

  1. Take it all in -- the hustle and bustle of the barns can be exhilarating right before a show. Be sure to take it all in, but watch where you're going -- and where you're stepping. Remember, those barns are the temporary homes for people and livestock for a few days.

  2. Plan ahead -- there are dozens of shows happening throughout the Kentucky Exposition Center. Check out the full NAILE schedule before you get here to make sure you can see what you want on the day you're visiting. View the full schedule here on page vii.

  3. Take lots of photos – some moments you won’t remember if you don’t take a picture. A lot is going on at any given moment. Photos capture emotions forever and can help you relive memories for years.

  4. Wear comfortable shoes – with so much ground and many exhibits to cover, lots of walking and standing is in store. Comfy shoes ensure that you won’t miss a step along the way.

  5. Take time to shop – with the holidays right around the corner, there are many vendors at the Country Store to shop with. Get presents for friends and family, or maybe to stock up on fitting supplies as you prepare for the show!